music: reimagined

music: reimagined

twins from the slums of brazil on a mission to make the world smile through music

  • "It was joyful, spectacular, surprising, and heart felt! The performance was like the hug from an old friend. You just feel cared for, you feel a connection from the second they walk on stage."

    - Dominic Cattero | BATAVIA FINE ARTS CENTER

  • "They are two of the most genuine, talented, and creative musicians I have come across in my 25+ years of presenting artists. Best of all, their authenticity shines bright in their interactions with young people providing real inspiration and a positive energy that has enduring impact.”


  • “Without hesitation, I would say this is THE show professional presenters should be looking for at this particular time in our country’s evolution.”

    -Pat Underwood | TASSEL CENTER

  • “Every so often, there are those acts that pop up out of nowhere and take the market by storm. The Twins have received wide acclaim for their high energy and one of their biggest assets is their ability to appeal to nearly any type of audience.”


  • "Their positive energy is infectious! Every once in a while you experience moments in life that you know you’ll be talking about for years to come…and this is it!"

    - Bonnie Bronson | SALISBURY HOUSE

meet b2wins

Pronounced B-Twins, this high energy duo continues to captivate audiences worldwide with their unique renditions of crowd favorites and engaging, uplifting live show that targets the masses. Led by charismatic Twin brothers from Brazil, they combine a plethora of genres into a feel good performance that is equal parts rock concert, dance party, jam session and vacation for the soul.

Growing up in the violent, impoverished slums of Rio De Janeiro, the Twins began playing classical music on violins their father handmade. They used music as an escape from their reality and began teaching others in their neighborhood to do the same. After being featured on National Public Radio, the Twins were invited to the U.S. on full ride music scholarships.

For the past 15 years, the Twins have toured the globe on a mission to make the world smile through music and sharing their heartwarming story of overcoming adversity.

Having performed over 1,000 shows around the world, the B2wins continue to cultivate a loyal fan base wherever they go. From hip-hop heads to jazz aficionados, pop enthusiasts and ravers, rockers to reggae fans, all find common ground.

From sold out theatres, energetic student activations, festival stages and events of all sizes, the Twins continue to motivate and inspire audiences of all ages. Using music as the tool, the B2wins are on a mission to make the world smile.

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