
Get Away Darkness - b2wins (original) // Halloween Electronic Dance Beat Violin #twinstuesday

Halloween Hip Hop Electronic/EDM Violin Beat We fell asleep last night watching this super creepy movie.... Well....We're pretty sure we were sleeping.... And it was just a movie right? ....Right?!? Wanna get your Halloween party started early? Check out this spookily awesome electronic violin track! This track is perfect for any Halloween party, and it would be a great addition to any dance floor! πŸŽƒπŸŽƒHappy Halloween! πŸŽƒπŸŽƒ A spooky #TwinsTuesday original, we produced, recorded, mixed all the music and video.


"Terror of the Bells" - Violin Twins (Carol of the Bells Hip Hop Cover)


LoFi Tuesday - Music at Sunset #twinstuesday